


Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water is something many people are doing more often these days. When it comes to choosing water, people often wonder if bottled water is better than tap water. Deciding which one is best for you depends on various factors, such as convenience, taste, and quality.   

Learn more about water-saving reverse osmosis systems. 

The Pros of Bottled Water

The bottled water industry is expected to reach $98.5 billion in 2024, according to Statista. The at-home market is supposed to reach $53.5 billion, while the out-of-home market (restaurants, coffee shops, bars, and fast food) is expected to reach $45 billion. As the market is expected to continue to grow, it implies people are buying bottled water due to some of its benefits, such as: 

  • Clean water: The FDA regulates bottled water quality using the same EPA standards as tap water. Bottled water also doesn’t have added chlorine or other additives that can be found in certain municipalities’ tap water. Plus, bottled water doesn’t need boiling like tap water does when there have been natural disasters. 
  • Convenience: Bottled water is much more convenient because you can take it with you when you are on the go. You don’t have to go looking for a drinking fountain or sink to get water. You can even keep bottles in a cooler in your car to stay hydrated on commutes to and from work. 
  • Variety: In recent years, consumers have seen an expansion in the variety of different types of bottled water available. Initially, people were limited to purified, distilled, sparkling, and spring water. Now, they can choose from bottled waters with added vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, as well as artesian waters and flavored waters.

The Cons of Bottled Water

While bottled water has several pros, there are also several cons people need to know. Some of the top disadvantages of bottled water include:

  • It’s expensive: Bottled water can cost quite a bit more than tap water. Some of the artesian, flavored, and vitamin-enhanced waters can cost as much as a latte from your favorite coffee shop just for a single 12-ounce bottle. 
  • It takes up a lot of space: Storing bottled water at home, in the refrigerator, at work, or in your car takes up space that you may want to use for other things. Even when you have the available space, it can still make things look cluttered. 
  • It contains microplastics: One of the biggest concerns about putting water into plastic bottles is microplastics and nanoplastics, which occur when plastic breaks down. A recent study by the NIH found that, on average, one liter of bottled water contained around 240,000 micro- and nanoplastic particles. Additionally, seven different types of plastics were found in these micro- and nanoplastic particles, including nylon polyamide, PET, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, and polymethyl methacrylate. 
  • Plastic bottles leach chemicals: According to the Plastic Pollution Coalition, at least 150 different chemicals can leach from PET plastic bottles into the water or other liquid inside. Heavy metals like lead and antimony, as well as hormone disruptors, have also been found in bottled water. Additionally, plastic bottles stored in warm environments, exposed to direct sunlight, or reused are more likely to leach toxic chemicals and PFAS, a chemical that is dangerous to humans. 
  • Plastic bottles impact the environment: Plastic water bottles generate a lot of garbage. Healthy Human reports that more than 60 million bottles are thrown away daily, with more than 35 billion plastic water bottles trashed annually. However, only 12% are recycled, and over 80% end up in landfills, which will require 1,000 years for them to decompose.

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The Pros of Tap Water

Many people overlook the pros of tap water due to the negative marketing strategies bottled water companies have used for years to discourage people from using what they get at home for a lot less money, which include:

  • More affordability: If you were to compare the costs of tap water to bottled water, most people are surprised to learn bottled water can cost them almost $3,800 for 1,000 gallons compared to around $1.50 for 1,000 gallons of tap water. In other words, bottled water is 252,261% more expensive than tap water. 
  • Convenience: Tap water is also convenient as you simply turn on the tap and fill your glass or reusable stainless steel cup. You can also store it in pitchers and stainless steel bottles in the fridge, so it is cold, too. Furthermore, many places now offer free water that is filtered to refill reusable bottles and cups. 
  • Almost no impact on the environment: Other than using fresh water sourced from the environment, there are no other impacts. The same water that ends up in bottled water is the same water municipalities use for tap water.   
  • Fewer health concerns: Tap water is treated to remove impurities and tested more frequently than bottled water for bacteria and other harmful contaminants. Many municipalities also add fluoride to treated tap water to help improve dental health.  
  • No micro- or nanoplastics to worry about: Since the water is coming out the tap, you do not have to worry about micro- or nanoplastics, let alone harmful and toxic chemicals plastic bottles can leach into the water. 
  • Easy to filter and soften tap water: If you want to purify or soften tap water, the cost for a whole-home water system solution is much cheaper and cost-effective compared to throwing away thousands of dollars a year on bottled water. 
  • Locally sourced: With tap water, you know exactly where the water is coming from, unlike bottled water, which you have no idea. For example, in Las Vegas, tap water comes from the Colorado River, which flows into Lake Mead.

The Cons of Tap Water

While tap water has numerous benefits over bottled water, it also has a few drawbacks, such as:

  • Smells and taste: The smell and taste of tap water in certain municipalities may not be as good as bottled water. However, this is easily remedied by having a water-softening and filtration system installed at your home. After water passes through the system, it will taste better than bottled water. 
  • Hard water: When you have well water or live in certain cities, like Las Vegas, the water that comes out of the tap can be hard water. Hard water contains calcium, magnesium, and other minerals that are not harmful to humans. However, some people dislike how they cause buildup on plumbing fixtures and could alter the taste of the water. It is easy to address hard water with a whole-home water-softening and filtration system.

Which Is Better for Homes: Tap Water or Bottled Water?

The clear winner and obvious choice for homes is tap water. It costs a fraction of bottled water, is easy to access from numerous sources, and is locally sourced. Additionally, you can easily address any issues with smell, taste, or hard water with a water-softening and filtration system.


Unhappy With Your Tap Water in Las Vegas? Rain Water Conditioning Has the Solution

Rain Water Conditioning in Las Vegas offers a full range of water softeners/conditioners,  PFAS filtering systems and chlorine filtration systems for your home, ensuring great-tasting water. Our reverse osmosis water filtration systems include options such as:

  • Ever hot and ever cold
  • Alkaline water

Let Rain Water Conditioning make your water taste great. Get the purest water for far less than wasting money on bottled water. Request a free quote from our water experts today. 

Call today to schedule your free consultation and estimate


Bottle Water – United States. (2024).

Plastic Particles in Bottled Water. (2024).

Study Finds Hundreds of Thousands of Plastic Particles in Bottled Water. (2024).

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